# Pantheon The powers of Greyhawk and Oerik. ![[pantheon-cover-greyhawk.webp]] The ancient Flan had a thoroughly animistic society. Besides their great gods like Obad-hai, Pelor, and Beory, the druids of the Old Faith worshipped the spirits of trees, the moons, and the rivers. Many of the beings once worshipped as gods by the Flan still exist today as nymphs, treants, and other faerie folk. The greater deities have absorbed some of the old gods, while others have died from lack of worship, their corpses still and silent in the Astral Plane.  At some point, thousands of years before the Twin Cataclysms and hundreds of years before the birth of Vecna, the herdsman followers of the moon-god Rao in the Vale of Luna (modern-day Veluna) migrated to the first Flan city, Haradaragh, and the first temple of wood and stone was constructed beginning Rao’s rise to prominence in the Flan pantheon and the foundation of the mixed Flan-Oeridian Church of Veluna. As the urbanization of Flan culture spread, new gods were added to the pantheon, including Berei, Allitur, Myhriss, and Zodal. Cults of Nerull also began to grow across the Flanaess at this time as well. Today, the Flan are still largely a druidic people who generally still exclusively worship their ancestral gods. This pantheon is known as The Old Kerk, and across the central Flanaess, from Verbobonc to the Cairn Hills, it is practiced by many non-Flan as well. ## Roles of the Gods The roles of the deities and the hierarchy they inhabit have changed many times over the millennia. The only certainty is that they will change again. The gods of Greyhawk come in many forms and varying degrees of power and influence, but certain restrictions apply to all. Here, you’ll find brief descriptions of the powerful beings, both divine and primordial, who lord over the cosmos. ### Life and Death Though deities are immortal, they can be killed; though they are eternal, they can be created. Over the long history of the cosmos, many beings have ascended to godhood, and just as many have fallen away from the memory of mortals. Other deities, such as Lolth, have undergone extraordinary transformations, changing their own nature, the nature of their home plane, and the fabric of their worship. ### Avatars It’s exceedingly rare for gods to manifest physically. Still, they can appear as avatars and interact—often in disguise—with their mortal followers. A deity can take whatever form is desired. He or she might appear as a human to humans, an elf to elves, and so on, even taking on a completely separate persona to worshipers of different races. Still, most gods have favored personas that remain relatively constant. ### Priests and Lay Worshipers Priests are mortals who have dedicated their lives to the service of a specific deity. They tend to share an alignment with their god, but that isn’t required. Priests sometimes adjust their devotion as they grow more powerful. They worship an exarch at heroic levels, a god at paragon levels, and a greater god at epic levels. Others gravitate to a greater god or serve deities with no exarchs. Lay worshipers can swear fealty to a patron deity, and some Faerûnians do so for selfish ends (merchants who worship Waukeen, for instance, or sages who revere Oghma). Most common folk, however, are more egalitarian in their faith. They invoke several divine beings over a day, asking Tymora for luck, beseeching Auril for a break in a blizzard, or seeking Sune’s favor with a matter of the heart. #### Divine Servitors In addition to the more powerful exarchs, gods and greater gods are served by any number of extraplanar creatures. Most priests never speak directly to their deities, but they might have frequent contact with a servant of the divine hierarchy. Here are a few examples. ***Angels.*** Most deities have angel servants. Deities create these semiautonomous beings, have free will, and can “fall from grace.” ***Ghaunadans.*** These amorphous creatures of primeval ooze possess a wicked intelligence and serve Ghaunadaur. ***Yochlols.*** These demonic handmaidens of the greater goddess Lolth are hideous creatures with razor-sharp teeth whose flesh drips like wax. #### The Chosen A deity can touch a mortal worshiper with a sliver of divine grace, creating a Chosen as an instrument in the mortal world. In the world of Greyhawk, the chosen are referred to as the "God's Own." The powers and missions of the Chosen vary from god to god. ## The Gods of Greyhawk The domains listed below have NOT yet been converted to legitimate 5E domains. Let me know if you are a cleric, druid, paladin, or another divine spellcaster and wish to follow a deity below. | **Deity** | **Portfolio** | **Domains** | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | Al-Zarad | see Boccob | Arcana, Balance, Knowledge | | Alia | Culture, law, motherhood | Knowledge, Life, Order | | Allitur | Ethics, propriety, tradition | Balance, Knowledge, Order | | Althea | Battle, childbirth, women | Life, Protection | | Aplan | Metal, weapons, armor | Forge, War | | Apocatequil | Jungle, darkness, danger | Grave, Nature, Twilight | | Asura | Sun, fire, light | Life, Light | | Atar | Sun, light, fire | Life, Light | | Atroa | Spring, east wind | Balance, Life, Nature | | Beltar | Malice, Caves, and Pits | Death, Destruction | | Beory | Nature, fertility, rain | Balance, Life. Nature | | Berei | Home, family, agriculture | Life, Nature | | Berna | Passion, forgiveness | Life, Freedom, Peace | | Beyaroa | Plants, healing, poison | Grave, Life | | Bhadra | Destiny, order, time | Law, Time | | Bleredd | Metal, mining, smiths | Forge, Prosperity | | Boccob | Magic, arcane knowledge | Arcana, Balance, Knowledge | | Borean | Cold, wind, storms, ice | Cold, Tempest | | Brahm | Agriculture, work | Life, Nature | | Bralm | Industriousness, Insects | Life, Order | | Breeka | Animals, plants, life | Life, Nature | | Celestial Bureaucracy | Order, life, destiny | Balance, Law, Prosperity, Time | | Celestian | Stars, space, wanderers | Travel | | Coathue | Plants, earth, healing | Life, Nature, Peace | | Cyndor | Time, infinity, continuity | Time | | Daern | Defense, fortification | Protection, War | | Dalt | Portals, doors, locks | Protection | | Damaran | Survival, vermin | Death, Nature | | Darian | Revelry, freedom, wine | Freedom, Life | | Delleb | Reason, intellect | Knowledge | | Dorgha Torgu | see Tharizdun | Cold, Death, Destruction | | Ehlonna | Forests, flowers, meadows | Freedom, Life, Nature | | Erythnul | Hate, envy, malice | Destruction, Trickery | | Fharlanghn | Horizons, travel, distance | Freedom, Travel | | Fortubo | Stone, metals, guardianship | Forge, Protection | | Ganapati | Mischief, riddles | Trickery | | Ganara | Knowledge, diplomacy | Arcana, Knowledge, Life | | Geshtai | Wells, rivers, streams | Life, Nature, Peace | | Hadyan | Culture, etiquette, scholarship | Knowledge, Order | | Hasnat | Music, poetry, song | Life | | Heironeous | Valour, honour, justice | Protection, War | | Herak | Valour, strength | Protection, Strength, War | | Hextor | War, tyranny, strength | Destruction, War | | Huracan | Storms, lighting, | Destruction, Tempest | | Incabulos | Plague, decay, nightmares | Death, Trickery, Twilight | | Istus | Fate, destiny | Chance | | Jascar | Hills, mountains | Nature | | Johydee | Deception, espionage, protection | Trickery | | Joramy | Righteous anger, fire, volcanoes | Destruction, Life | | Kadar | Fire, destruction, greed | Destruction, Light | | Kanee | Chaos, rage, destruction | Death, Destruction, Tempest | | Kapu | Illness, death, night | Death, Twilight | | Katay | Order, time, decay | Law, Time, Twilight | | Kord | Athletics, strength, courage | Protection, Strength | | Krenor | Intrigue, politics and diplomacy | Knowledge, Law, Trickery | | Kulkatlan | Magic, birds | Arcana, Travel | | Kundo | Building, music, defense | Life, Protection | | Kurell | Revenge, thievery, jealousy | Trickery | | Kurma | Jungle, plants, medicine | Life, Nature | | Lendor | Time, tedium, patience | Time | | Lirr | Prose, poetry, art | Knowledge, Life | | Llerg | Strength, beasts | Nature, Strength | | Lodot | Magic, luck | Arcana, Chance, Knowledge | | Lono | Sun, light, peace | Life, Light, Peace | | Lydia | Music, knowledge, daylight | Knowledge, Life, Light | | Masaya | Freedom, birds, air | Freedom, Life, Nature | | Mawui | Heroism, honour | Life, Prosperity, Protection | | Merrikka | Agriculture, farming, hearth | Balance, Nature, Order | | Meyanok | Serpents, poison, famine discord | Death, Destruction | | Mielin | Love, beauty, passion | Life, Peace | | Mok’slyk | see Tharizdun | Cold, Death, Destruction | | Mouqol | Trade, wealth, prosperity | Life, Prosperity | | Murlynd | Magical technology | Protection | | Myhriss | Love, beauty, fertility | Life | | Narahima | Tradition, civilization, order | Balance, Order | | Nasri | Murder, banditry | Destruction, Trickery | | Nerull | Death, darkness, underworld | Death, Grave, Twilight | | Nola | Sun, light | Life, Light | | Norebo | Luck, gambling, risk | Chance | | Oa’pema | (see Osprem) | Prosperity, Seas, Travel | | Obad-hai | Wilderness, hunting, freedom | Balance, Hunt, Nature, Tempest | | Olidammara | Revelry, music, wine | Chance | | Osprem | Sea voyages, sailors, trade | Prosperity, Seas, Travel | | Pacal | Battle, honour | Protection, strength, war | | Parashi | Animals, hunting, wilderness | Freedom, Hunt, Nature | | Pelor | Sun, strength, light, healing | Life, Light, Protection | | Pentlin | Language, writing, trade, wealth | Prosperity, Travel | | Phaulkon | Air, birds, archery | Freedom, Life, Nature | | Pholtus | Light, order, justice | Law, Light, Life, Order | | Phyton | Nature, beauty, farming | Life, Nature | | Procan | Seas, navigation, salt | Seas, Tempest, Travel | | Pyremius | Fire, poison, murder | Death, Destruction, Twilight | | Pythas | Distances, death | Death, Tempest, Travel | | Rajanash | Order, justice, authority | Law, Protection, Order | | Ralishaz | Chance, misfortune, insanity | Chance | | Rao | Peace, reason, serenity | Law, Order, Peace, Protection | | Rudd | Chance, good luck, skill | Chance, Trickery | | Safeer | Protection, war, defense | Protection, War | | Saint Cuthbert | Wisdom, dedication, zeal | Freedom, Life, Protection | | Seiran | Seas, ships, sea creatures | Prosperity, Nature, Tempest | | Sinda | Freedom, war, destruction | Destruction, Freedom, War | | Sivatna | Seas, rain, storms | Tempest | | Sotillion | Summer, south wind, comfort | Life, Nature, Peace | | Suwat | Mountains, metal, earth | Forge, Nature | | Syrul | Lies, deceit, treachery | Trickery, Twilight | | Tagaroa | (see Xerbo) | Seas, Tempest | | Telchur | Winter, north wind, cold | Cold, Tempest | | Tensi | Sky, open spaces, nature | Freedom, Life, Strength | | Tharizdun | Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Insanity, Cold | Cold, Death, Destruction | | Tlaltan | Rain, water, rivers, cenotes | Life, Nature | | Trithereon | Liberty, individuality, retribution | Life, Freedom, Protection | | Ulaa | Hills, mining, gemstones | Forge, Life | | Uvot | Prosperity, community, knowledge | Life, Knowledge, Prosperity | | Vatun | Cold, winter, arctic beasts | Cold, Nature, Tempest | | Velnius | Sky, weather | Life, Tempest | | Veren | Bravery, battle | Freedom, Protection, War | | Vinu | Balance, destiny, luck | Balance, Chance | | Vishar | Deception, misdirection, luck | Chance, Trickery | | Vogan | Rain, storms, water | Life, Seas, Tempest | | Waadi | Moon, sky and wind | Life, Grave, Twilight | | Way, The | n/a | Balance, Chance | | Wee Jas | Magic, law, death | Arcana, Death, Law | | Wenta | Autumn, brewing, harvest | Life, Knowledge, Nature | | Xamaclan | Protection, order | Order, Protection | | Xan Yae | Twilight, shadows, stealth | Balance, Twilight | | Xanag | Metal, beauty | Life, Forge, Protection | | Xelan | Power, legal tradition | Knowledge, Life, Order | | Xerbo | Seas, storms, monsters | Seas, Tempest | | Yalak | Storms, seas | Seas, Tempest | | Zagyg | Humour, Eccentricity, Occult Lore | Chance, Knowledge, Trickery | | Zaliira | Truth, balance, vengeance | Balance, Freedom, Life | | Zilchus | Power, wealth, prestige | Prosperity | | Zodal | Mercy, hope, benevolence | Life, Peace | | Zotzle | Death, underworld | Death, Twilight | | Zuoken | Physical and mental mastery | Balance, Law, Protection, Peace | ## The Primordials The Elemental Chaos provides essential building blocks for all matter in the cosmos, the primordial seed of all that is. The gods fear this wild plane of unimaginable extremes, and they respect the primordials that call it home. The few primordials that remained in Toril when Abeir split away never fought the gods as their fellows did. These primordials are the Elemental Lords, and are sometimes worshiped as deities despite their elemental origin. ### List of the Elemental Lords | Name | Alignment | Gender | Sphere | | ----------- | ------------ | ------ | ------ | | Akadi | Unaligned | female | Air | | Bazim-Gorag | Chaotic evil | male | Chaos | | Grumbar | Unaligned | male | Earth | | Istishia | Unaligned | male | Water | | Kossuth | Unaligned | male | Fire | ### Details of the Elemental Lords Five primordials rule realms within the Elemental Chaos. All but the chaotic evil Bazim-Gorag are unaligned. ***Akadi.*** The Queen of the Air is the mistress of flying creatures, and all that takes to the thin air. Her airwalkers teach that wisdom can be found only in trial and error, a foundation for faith as thin as the air that their mistress embodies. ***Bazim-Gorag.*** The Lord of the Pandemonium Stone (see the sidebar) is an ascended batrachi dedicated to pure chaos. He is chance incarnate, invoked by the powerless, the gamblers, and anyone who has lost hope in anything but an impossible twist of fate. ***Grumbar.*** The Lord of the Earth is a being of stone and dirt, the foundation upon which all else is built. The earth makes no choices—it simply is. His earthwalkers resist change in any form. ***Istishia.*** The Lord of Water is the embodiment of the constantly mutable nature of water. Not interested in Umberlee’s storms or Valkur’s sailors, he is an aloof and uncaring being. ***Kossuth.*** The firewalkers who revere the Lord of Fire espouse the cleansing properties of flame and its role in the renewal of life. Kossuth is most often appealed to by lay folk as they watch their homes burn to the ground. They find him entirely uninterested. ## The Archdevils The most powerful forces for pure evil in the cosmos are the combined hosts of the Nine Hells. They became the greatest single threat to the forces of good when the most ancient of them, Asmodeus, ascended to greater godhood. Each archdevil commands a circle of the Nine Hells. A multitude of fiends serve the archdevils without question in their endless plotting and conquest. ### List of the Archdevils | Name | Alignment | Gender | Territory | | -------------- | --------- | ------ | -------------- | | Bel | Evil | male | First Circle | | Dispater | Evil | male | Second Circle | | Mammon | Evil | male | Third Circle | | Belial | Evil | male | Fourth Circle | | Levistus | Evil | male | Fifth Circle | | Glasya | Evil | female | Sixth Circle | | Baalzebul | Evil | male | Seventh Circle | | Mephistopheles | Evil | male | Eighth Circle | ### Devil Worship Pockets of misguided people have occasionally fallen into the worship of one or more archdevils. Lured by grandiose promises, those who worship devils soon come to realize that the ceremonies and rituals associated with devil worship are among the most despicable acts one could ever imagine committing. Thus, such cults are not common, but where they do exist, the inner circle of devil worshipers willingly exchange the eventual fate of their souls for immediate power. The worship of Asmodeus is also considered devil worship, and Mordai priests conduct many foul rites in his name. However, because the Lord of the Ninth is a true god, his worshipers are not necessarily required to conduct vile rituals to channel divine power. Not so for those who have fallen into worship of one of the lesser lords of hell. The number of devil-worshiping cells is not specifically known; however, one of the most liberal assessments of that number comes from Elturgard. The High Justiciar of Torm believes that each of the Nine Lords supports at least one secret cell of celebrants, one perhaps as close as Cormyr. However, the only confirmed cell lies in High Imaskar, somewhere within the cityspire of Skyclave. There, a self-proclaimed child of Mephistopheles has risen to the notice of the Empress, who has assigned more than one vengeance-taker to remove this presumed pretender. To date, all have failed either to find the location of the cell or, if they did, to return with that knowledge.