# GROG Space
Destroy Evil. Drink Grog.
Welcome to Old Man Umby's gaming webportal for published tabletop RPG content, plus live online and play-by-post campaigns. Visit my [contact form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpAs5Mt2Fk5ChW_Zr4yYQpQQEllDY7UhH2rleUg_X17N6ZXg/viewform) for questions.
## Gaming @Library
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition [[D&D 5E Forgotten Realms/Adventure Intro|Forgotten Realms Master Campaign]].
* Every Thursday **4pm-7pm**.
* [[D&D 5E Forgotten Realms/Character Creation|Character Creation]] via [D&D Beyond](https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/builder).
* Experienced players and beginners welcome!
* Visit my [sign-up form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHxWk0ZLixNaBTMP0WsZ3h4FkgeXgQ-85QaBxQFfjQr5wsew/viewform) and join us at the table.
# Old Man Umby
Gamer. Designer. Writer. Publisher. Tinkerer. Pro GM.
![[_assets/oldmanumby.webp|Old Man Umby]]
I follow a gamer-first philosophy. I love to create and play roleplaying games. I started playing RPGs on Easter Weekend in 1980. I've played and mastered many games, far more than I can recount here. I have my favs, but there are still many I would love to explore.
I have many years of experience running "sandbox-style" long-term campaigns. I run online games as I would around a table; no slow-play VTTs. I use "theatre-of-the-mind" with the occasional maps in [D&D Beyond Maps](https://www.dndbeyond.com/games) or [Owlbear Rodeo](https://owlbear.rodeo).
**Contact Form:** Visit my [contact form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpAs5Mt2Fk5ChW_Zr4yYQpQQEllDY7UhH2rleUg_X17N6ZXg/viewform) for questions.
## Latest Articles
The latest blog and news articles from Old Man Umby.
[[Posts/01. Adventure Elements|01. Adventure Elements]]
[[Posts/02. Character Names|02. Character Names]]
## Latest Projects
* [SRD Wiki](https://srd.wiki): A website dedicated to hosting the markdown conversion of various roleplaying game rulesets.
* [D&D 5E SRD reMastered](https://dnd.srd.wiki): An adaptation of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Systems Reference Document (SRD) available in Markdown (.md) for export to other publishing formats.
* [OSE SRD reMastered](https://ose.srd.wiki): An “Americanized” adaptation of the Old-School Essentials (OSE) Systems Reference Document (SRD) available in Markdown (.md) for export to other publishing formats.
## Friends of Old Man Umby
* [Stone Mountain Press](https://stonemountain.press): Tabletop sports and RPG products.
* [RPG Oracle](https://rpgoracle.com): Local gaming archives.